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The Multitasking Mama's Back-to-School Survival Guide

By Max Brockbank | Sep 04, 2019
mother and daughter, with mom applying wander beauty mascara and under eye patches

School projects, late nights of homework, stressing over spelling tests, packing lunches and chilly mornings. Sound all too familiar? That's right: School is back in session and a little secret that your kids may not know, is that you’ve been dreading it just as much as they have.

From waking up early to get them on the bus, late nights packing lunch and running to your local stores to get the last-minute school supplies, the (exciting?) chaos starts all over again and will continue for the next ten months. Here, we’re breaking down how to get back in the swing of things while still remaining gorgeous on the go.

Make Planning Fun!

One of the most stressful parts of heading back to school for both yourself and your little one is falling back into a routine. Your little one has been groomed to sleep in and play all day over the last two months and are now dreading an early wakeup call. To ease some stress off of them and save yourself from a headache you, can try spicing things up to make organizing more fun and exciting!

Some ways to do so is to get color coordinated calendars and organizing tools to make their new daily schedule more inviting. One example: Setup a weekly calendar in a common area for your mini-you to always see. Allowing them to check things off and have a “to do” list of their own to follow will not only give them something to look forward to but also have them feeling rewarded as they continuously mark things off. Another tip would be to purchase items to help organize their daily necessities. One that we saw and loved was a cubby that contained Monday to Friday and allowed you to set their outfits out way beforehand. This will save you time and make getting dressed in the mornings fast and certainly tolerable.

Be Friends With The Teacher

Befriending the teacher is a great way to kick off the school year. This will create a relationship where communication is always welcomed. Talking to the teacher early in the year will also give you the chance to get to know who your child is spending eight hours a day with.

Taking Your Beauty Everywhere but the Bathroom™

With all the running around you’ll be doing on these early mornings, you need to save time whenever possible. And let’s be honest, if we have to choose, we pick cutting the crust off of our child's PB&J before spending hours in front of a mirror on our own glam! Finding beauty products that are easy to toss in your bag and get ready on your commute to work (if you’re not driving) or in the parking lot before you head in, is a time saver.

Pack your beauty bag with items that are travel-friendly and multipurpose. That way, you will cut down on storage as well as save you time during your early mornings. A few multitaskers we recommend for a full look would be your favorite mascara, concealer (ours is a 2-in-1 to cover any type of blemish you can think of), and Beach Balm (which is the perfect lip and cheek tint - multitasking at its finest)!

Make Their Day More Special

Many kids end up dreading their first day of school, so in order to help avoid the tears and tantrums give them something to look forward too is always a great tip. Whether you end up making their favorite dinner, after-school snack or even treating them to some extra TV or iPad time, these small things make each day special.

If you’re a busy boss lady and know you won’t be home for dinner, writing a simple note and placing it in their lunch reminding them how much they mean to you can make all the difference in their day. Each of our kids is so unique so you know best as a busy mama what will put a smile on their face!

Be a Goal Getter

Nothing makes your little one feel better than when you say how proud you are of them, no matter how little the accomplishment may be. Setting goals for both yourself and your child will help ease into the whole back to school mayhem. For example, a goal for your child could be is completing their homework every day before 4:00PM. A goal for mama can be getting herself (yes, you read that right!) in bed before 10:30PM all week long. Setting goals not only demonstrates great qualities that will flourish in your child but gives you and mini-you something to look forward to.

Pamper Yourself (You Deserve It!)

All throughout this survival guide, we spoke about how to keep up with the craziness of heading back to school and tips for how to make it enjoyable for your little one. What we saved as part of our top three survival tips is arguably one of the most important ones. As all mamas say, your kids will always come first, but you must remember to put yourself in that ranking as well. After your kid's lunches are packed, goals are written and days are organized, you need to make time for yourself.

So many parents forget to take care of themselves, especially when so much is going on with their children. Finding time to take a walk outside, sleep in an extra hour (or follow up with your goal from earlier and go to bed sooner!) or do a face mask is what you need and deserve.

Incorporating a great skincare routine into your week is essential for every busy mama. Finding skincare products that soothe, hydrate and cleanse your skin will leave you looking as though you got a full night's sleep (even if you didn’t). Our must-haves for faking that your awake is using a great under eye mask. Baggage Claim Eye Masks are fabulous for hydrating, helping minimize fine lines as well as diminishing dark circles. Pop these on as you sip your morning coffee for an extra boost of radiance.<product>1</product>

Stay Calm Cool & Collected

Back to school can be a stressful time for both yourself and the student so remember that no mom is perfect and it’s okay to be stressed and make mistakes. Just taking it slow, following our steps in order to take care of yourself, your little one and remaining positive through it all is all you need to ease into the early weeks of September.

What are your best tips for preparing for back-to-school? Tell us in the comments!

The Multitasking Mama's Back-to-School Survival Guide

By Max Brockbank | Sep 04, 2019

mother and daughter, with mom applying wander beauty mascara and under eye patches

School projects, late nights of homework, stressing over spelling tests, packing lunches and chilly mornings. Sound all too familiar? That's right: School is back in session and a little secret that your kids may not know, is that you’ve been dreading it just as much as they have.

From waking up early to get them on the bus, late nights packing lunch and running to your local stores to get the last-minute school supplies, the (exciting?) chaos starts all over again and will continue for the next ten months. Here, we’re breaking down how to get back in the swing of things while still remaining gorgeous on the go.

Make Planning Fun!

One of the most stressful parts of heading back to school for both yourself and your little one is falling back into a routine. Your little one has been groomed to sleep in and play all day over the last two months and are now dreading an early wakeup call. To ease some stress off of them and save yourself from a headache you, can try spicing things up to make organizing more fun and exciting!

Some ways to do so is to get color coordinated calendars and organizing tools to make their new daily schedule more inviting. One example: Setup a weekly calendar in a common area for your mini-you to always see. Allowing them to check things off and have a “to do” list of their own to follow will not only give them something to look forward to but also have them feeling rewarded as they continuously mark things off. Another tip would be to purchase items to help organize their daily necessities. One that we saw and loved was a cubby that contained Monday to Friday and allowed you to set their outfits out way beforehand. This will save you time and make getting dressed in the mornings fast and certainly tolerable.

Be Friends With The Teacher

Befriending the teacher is a great way to kick off the school year. This will create a relationship where communication is always welcomed. Talking to the teacher early in the year will also give you the chance to get to know who your child is spending eight hours a day with.

Taking Your Beauty Everywhere but the Bathroom™

With all the running around you’ll be doing on these early mornings, you need to save time whenever possible. And let’s be honest, if we have to choose, we pick cutting the crust off of our child's PB&J before spending hours in front of a mirror on our own glam! Finding beauty products that are easy to toss in your bag and get ready on your commute to work (if you’re not driving) or in the parking lot before you head in, is a time saver.

Pack your beauty bag with items that are travel-friendly and multipurpose. That way, you will cut down on storage as well as save you time during your early mornings. A few multitaskers we recommend for a full look would be your favorite mascara, concealer (ours is a 2-in-1 to cover any type of blemish you can think of), and Beach Balm (which is the perfect lip and cheek tint - multitasking at its finest)!

Make Their Day More Special

Many kids end up dreading their first day of school, so in order to help avoid the tears and tantrums give them something to look forward too is always a great tip. Whether you end up making their favorite dinner, after-school snack or even treating them to some extra TV or iPad time, these small things make each day special.

If you’re a busy boss lady and know you won’t be home for dinner, writing a simple note and placing it in their lunch reminding them how much they mean to you can make all the difference in their day. Each of our kids is so unique so you know best as a busy mama what will put a smile on their face!

Be a Goal Getter

Nothing makes your little one feel better than when you say how proud you are of them, no matter how little the accomplishment may be. Setting goals for both yourself and your child will help ease into the whole back to school mayhem. For example, a goal for your child could be is completing their homework every day before 4:00PM. A goal for mama can be getting herself (yes, you read that right!) in bed before 10:30PM all week long. Setting goals not only demonstrates great qualities that will flourish in your child but gives you and mini-you something to look forward to.

Pamper Yourself (You Deserve It!)

All throughout this survival guide, we spoke about how to keep up with the craziness of heading back to school and tips for how to make it enjoyable for your little one. What we saved as part of our top three survival tips is arguably one of the most important ones. As all mamas say, your kids will always come first, but you must remember to put yourself in that ranking as well. After your kid's lunches are packed, goals are written and days are organized, you need to make time for yourself.

So many parents forget to take care of themselves, especially when so much is going on with their children. Finding time to take a walk outside, sleep in an extra hour (or follow up with your goal from earlier and go to bed sooner!) or do a face mask is what you need and deserve.

Incorporating a great skincare routine into your week is essential for every busy mama. Finding skincare products that soothe, hydrate and cleanse your skin will leave you looking as though you got a full night's sleep (even if you didn’t). Our must-haves for faking that your awake is using a great under eye mask. Baggage Claim Eye Masks are fabulous for hydrating, helping minimize fine lines as well as diminishing dark circles. Pop these on as you sip your morning coffee for an extra boost of radiance.<product>1</product>

Stay Calm Cool & Collected

Back to school can be a stressful time for both yourself and the student so remember that no mom is perfect and it’s okay to be stressed and make mistakes. Just taking it slow, following our steps in order to take care of yourself, your little one and remaining positive through it all is all you need to ease into the early weeks of September.

What are your best tips for preparing for back-to-school? Tell us in the comments!

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